What Is Programming And What Do Programmers Do?

Interested to learn programming? Before choosing your first programming language to learn, you should have some basic understanding of the computer science field and what do programmers really do.

This infographic will answer some common questions like what is programming, how does computer program works, what software developers do and don’t do, what are the common struggles, etc.

For complete infographic explanation and FAQ, please do click here

Which Programming Language Should I Learn First?

Before choosing your first programming language, you should also check out this infographic on What Is Programming And What Do Programmers Do.

So you want to learn programming. Maybe you have asked your developer friends for recommendations and get different answers. They explained with terms that you don’t understand (what is object-oriented?!). To help you to pick your first programming language to learn, here is an easy-to-understand infographic that recommends the best option, depending on your purpose and interest. Details such as learning difficulty, popularity, and average salary for each computer programming language are provided too.

Note: A good programmer must know at least a few programming languages to learn different ways to approach problems. They continue to learn and grow as technology advances. This is just the beginning of your programming journey. Simply pick one and start coding now!

Most good programmers do programming not because they expect to get paid or get adulation by the public, but because it is fun to program.
                                                                                      – Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux)
For complete reference of this article and for tools and resources for each programming language, please do click here.
Thanks to CarlCheo.

How Torrenting Works: A Book Photocopying Analogy

This article contains minimal technical terms to make understanding BitTorrent easier for non-technical users.

BitTorrent, also known as torrenting, is a protocol that allows fast downloading of large files. So how is it different from normal file downloads?

When you download a file from the Internet, a server has to upload the file at the same time. What if the file is huge and thousands of people are downloading at the same time? The server, which is just a more powerful version of your computer, has limited upload speed too. Therefore, a typical file downloading is not an ideal solution to serve large files to huge amount of users.

BitTorrent comes in handy in this situation. Each user that downloads the file has to upload his/her downloaded part to other users at the same time. It is a form of peer-to-peer file sharing. Now, anyone can share a large file on the Internet without having to rent or buy servers, and torrenting reduces server loads too.

For more detailed explanation, here’s an infographic created based on Ben Mordecai’s awesome answer on Quora.

Note: Anyone who downloads the torrent file is considered a leecher. Leechers also refer to users who negatively affect the swarm by limiting upload speed to be less than their download speed and leaving right after the file download is completed (as mentioned in the infographic).

Here’s a deeper explanation on how torrenting works. You can also check out Wikipedia’s more technical and boring version.

Thanks to CarlCheo.


Short video that was created by myself.

Creative Web Design Folios

     In this post we are going have a look at various portfolios of designers that showcases their creative flair, not only with their work but also with how they present their work. Basically, web portfolios aim to capture the attention of clients in a greater geographical context. These portfolios are very handy especially if the designer or artist is targeting an international clientele. Here are a few that would definitely catch your attention: some are witty, some colorful, but all will amaze you. You can visit each website by clicking on the images.


Brad Colbow


M1 Design

Felipe Barriga